These web pages are dedicated to my Father and to all the people that love and respect nature. All images are covered by copyright, they are available on request at hight resolution. You may download them at low resolution for personal use.
AFRICA: All the images have been taken during the past 15 years by myself travelling through southern african countries: Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Kenia, Tanzania. On this website you will be able to see just few images, if you have special needs please contact me. As soon as possible I will add tips which could be useful for travellers, including 4×4 car rentals, info on Game Reserves and Natural Parks, things to do and to avoid.
DOLPHINS: The images have been taken during the last 35 years working directly with Marine Mammals, specially Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) under human care in Acquaria, in Dolphinaria and in Strandings Rescue centers as Fondazione Cetacea which support marine animals in difficulty. To be with a camera in the right place at the right moment gives the opportunity to take pictures never taken before.
Augusto Leandro Stanzani